
An odd thing happened!

After trying to have a baby for 4 years I finally got pregnant on my own. Ok I was taking metformin and I did lose 40lbs. 9 months later the most wonderful little man was born.

We knew right away we wanted to try having more kids, Jim being one of 5 wants a lot of kids. Me being an only child knew I would never want to have my child be an only child.

When Carter was 6 months old I took a drug called provera to induce my period. I also took another drug called Clomid, which is suppose to help you ovulate. Keep in mind Carter was still breastfeeding. After doing this for 2 months, I started to get my period on my own. But I also dried up. It was a chance I had to take. I took it and I dried up. Do I regrette it yes in a way I do, I miss the breastfeeding so bad. Well I got my period twice on my own. I don't think I ovulated but I guess I don't know I could have. Well this month I went in for a ultrasound which had shown that I had probably ovulated the nite before. I went in a few days later for a blood test that had shown that I had indeed ovulated.

Fast forward a few days. I have felt sick to my stomach now for a few days, I have known. Jim wasn't so sure. Anyways we took the new puppy to his first night at obidence classes. After class we had to stop at target for diapers, wipes, and formula. While there I bought some pregnancy tests. I got home and peed on the stick, it was there very faint but there. I showed Jim he still wasn't convinced and told me to pee on the most expensive brand that we had bought. I didn't have to pee, so I waited until this morning I peed on the more expensive brand. Again its there but its faint. I am currently 10 days past ovulation, in all honesty way to early to test. But its there a line is a line and I am indeed once again PREGNANT!!!!!!!!

I looked it up online and I am due November 13th. Which so happens to be Jim's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

So inclusion I would like to announce that I AM PREGNANT!!!!!

I haven't even spoke to my doctor yet (she was out of the office today) but I will call first thing in the morning I know she is going to be super excited. After having trouble finding an ob/gyn that wanted to take me as a patient when I was pregnant with Carter I found the most wonderful awesome doctor in the world. I seriously can't say how awesome she is. After 9 months of seeing her we have become friends in a way. I remember her saying when I had my ultrasound last week that she was very optimistic that I had ovulated, I replied ya you always are. Well she finally was right.

There are so many things going through my head right now.
  • How the hell are we going to manage 4 dogs and 2 babies at one time.
  • What are we going to do about Carter we only have 2 bedrooms upstairs. I am not putting Carter in the bedroom in the basement when he wont even be 2 years old. No way.
  • Ugh we just bought a bran new stroller and now we need to buy a double stroller.
  • I would love a girl so much, all I have ever wanted was a girl, but right now a boy would be so much easier. We already have every thing for a boy.
  • Not only will I have Croix and Carter to take care of during the day I will have 4 kids (Croix's mommy is pregnant too)
  • How cool is it that Jim's best friend wife (Croix's mommy) and I are pregnant again at the same time.
  • Can I love this baby as much as I love Carter
  • How is my mom going to handle it, she loves Carter probably more then anything in the world can she love another baby just as much?
  • I am excited that my sister in law and I are pregnant at the same time too, though her baby will be 6 months older then the new baby.
  • How is Carter going to handle not being the center of attention.
Ugh how am I suppose to sleep with all of this going on in my head. Oh well I think I am going to go throw up now.

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