
We need votes!

A couple months ago I entered a picture of Carter and the 3 pugs in to a photo competition. (I never enter those things no clue why I did) Its through barkbusters.com and the grand prize winner gets $500 to give to a local animal related charity. Out of a couple hundred pictures the judges decided on the top 5 pictures. We were included in the top 5. Now all we need is votes. Its only one vote per email address. So we really need to get the world out. We are the only pugs, and the only baby. (I think Carter is was about a week old in the picture) I know the pug community is huge and honestly I think that if the word gets out it could be a really easy $500 for the MN pug rescue. Anyways please take the time to vote it only takes a couple mins.

Go Here to vote!

1 comment:

  1. Okay myself, my husband and a friend of mine voted for Carter and the pugs!

    I hope he is in the top 3!

    Camden has that outfit that Carter was wearing! A favorite of mine for lounging the house in!
